"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body" ~Elizabeth Stone

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Saturday before mothers day.. may 8th. No Work today, or tomorrow.. how that has happened a couple weeks in a row I am not sure, but I try not to question a good thing. So we spent the day together, but at home. It was actually great. The boys were so good, we made art, blew bubbles, we watched a couple shows, did our normal thing. Dinner was easy and amazing as usual. I got the house relatively clean, and we played outside a lot. The weather was beautiful and the garden is doing good. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things that I have surrounding me. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky, but I am so happy to be in this moment in my life. Things are somewhat perfect. Works not bad, I wouldn’t mind making more, but I don’t hate going…and that’s pretty priceless. The kids are doing wonderfully and learning more and more everyday. I don’t have anything major keeping me up at night. I’m not bragging, I just know it can’t last forever, but in this moment… I am totally content. Well, I mean, that’s not to say there are not things I want, things I want to improve on, etc… but there is nothing bad right now..nothing horrible, unjust, or  wrong. That’s so beautiful. We have our health <3 With a few exceptions, we have the people we love close by, and we are so abundantly blessed it’s mindboggling when you really slow down and think about it.  Ahhhh, life is sweet with my guys. I am so lucky to be heir mama.. and to be my husband’s wife. We don’t fight.. we don’t have a lot of hardships or strife that we cant somehow find strength in. I find so much love and support in them all. They make me powerful. Whatever positive energy is flowing my way.. I hope the universe keeps smiling on me :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My near death experience

okay.. well maybe thats being a bit dramatic! But damn! I jjust got over six days of being the sickest I've ever been in my entire life. I cant believe strep throat kicked my booty that bad. It started with a sore throat, I thought it was allergies (this part of California is ridiculous this time of year).. but it only got worse. It turned into very bad headached, swollen lymph nodes, sore neck and back, and my jaw and teeth had this pain that felt like it came from so deep down inside. It was disgusting. I've never had any teeth problems before. Yes, at the ripe age of 26 I've never had a single cavity, never had my wisdom teeth pulled, never had braces, nothing more than my teeth cleaned... this pain, however, made me want all of my teeth ripped out immediately!
Those people who really know me know I also dont like to take meds and I was on ample amounts of antibiotic and vicodin. I normally never would have taken a single pill, but they were the only thing that kept me sane and let me get some sleep... and I'm the girl who wouldnt even take the vicodin they prescribed me after childbirth. I'm so hardcore (except in the case of sore throats apparently) LOL

So I missed like a week of work, and a week of beautiful northern california springtime. I missed a week of my boy's spring break (which means they drove me crazy all week) But I'm Back! I'm feeling good, went to work last night and had a great night, today's my day off and I have big plans.. so..look out world here she comes!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Boys will be boys

Recently overheard during an exchange between my two preschool age boys: “ You’ re mean!, No you’re mean! You go take a bath and get soap in your eyes!!!” I love the innocence, yet severity of that insult. I know, I’m mother of the year for thinking its funny.. but I do anyways. lol.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

  Love your Mama Earth!

Kindergarten Registration

Today was the day we registered Dylan to begin kindergarten in the fall (well, July actually). He is officially the future class of 2022! I got a little sentimental when I saw that on the sign they’d hung up in the multipurpose room where we had to go for Dylan to be tested and to sign all the papers. We are all very excited, him especially. He wasn’t nearly as shy as I had assumed he’d be. He amazes me everyday, why am I surprised this time? lol

Continuing our morning, we went on to preschool, where Trent and I stayed today, I was there to help out.. Trent was supposed to just be my tag-along but of course, it ended up just being a normal day at school for Trenton.  We painted, we read stories, we had snacks. My boys successfully came home with random paint splatters on their faces, and me with glue stick covered hands. It was a good day in preschool! 

The rest of our day was pretty mellow.. well, mellow by Taylor terms, which doesn’t actually involve much mellowness at all.. but we like to have something..lol. Anyways, we went to the grocery store.     march 005

That went pretty great for obvious reasons! I made a big pot of my very favorite tortilla soup to keep in the fridge/ freeze, etc. And some yummy dinner for tonight. Now the boys are taking a bath, the rain has ceased for now.. and all is good in my little world <3 Goodnight!

march 011

Friday, February 26, 2010

…So I’m having a furious Friday!

So all you get from me for right now is a few pictures I took around the house yesterday.

feb 2010 013  feb 2010 020

feb 2010 022And my wonderful project…. I like call it “What? I do a lot of laundry, alright?!”

                     feb 2010 014

Big Day Today…

Today, I give in to my husband’s pleas and let him join the rest of the world in Nintendo Wii fun! This is the very first video game system I’ve ever actually been pretty excited about… and I’m certainly not proud of it, but my kids are video game junkies.. so the thought of them being standing up, moving around, downstairs in the sunlight is much more appealing to me. They’re gonna be so stoked too, not only are they getting a new system to play with, but they are OBSESSED with the fact that mom wont play a video game, so now they’ll finally get mom to play.  I can totally see myself playing too, I wont lie.. I’ve wanted one of these forever now! So, I guess I can stop torturing him and go take my shower so we may go on his mini wish list spree. Ssshhhh!