"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body" ~Elizabeth Stone

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Babyshower!


Most people who actually know me, know of my longtime bestfriend Elizabeth (Liz, Lizard, Flizz, etc) Her and I have been wreaking havoc since we were around 12 or 13 together. Times have change, we've both grown up immensely, and we've gone down our own paths... but as we speak Liz is 35 weeks pregnant and due sometime in late February with her first child. Sweet little baby girl Charlotte Grace Welsh! This weekend we ventured together, with good old Caitlin in tow, to the babyshower. I love Liz with all my heart and the thought of a little baby Lizard makes me giddy with excitement. I cant wait for her to get to experience all the priceless, amazing, awe inspiring moments that I know are coming her way. I cant wait for her to hold that little tiny (or not so tiny, 6lbs already!) baby girl up to her chest in the delivery room and fall in love in magnitude that the mind cant even begin to conceive. And then all the little firsts that come after that, first smiles, first laughs, first words, first steps, first booboos, first days of school, etc. I cant wait. I am overjoyed to see my friend get to fall in love with her little baby bump and this little girl that has never met the world yet. I'm also very excited for Dom. He will make a great daddy and its obvious he too is ready to meet her and love her more than he even knows. Its so cute, having experienced all this myself twice now... to see the two of them, ready, but truly, having no idea what to expect, and having no idea how much this is really going to change their lives and them as people. I am proud and humbled to get to be an auntie not by marriage or blood, but by love to sweet baby Charlie, whenever she decides to grace us with her presence in the outside world!~
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To New Beginnings

Trenton school 020 Trenton school 018

Two thousand- ten is barely off and rolling and things are already changing. Positive things... today is my first official day at the new job (yay I got it!) and I am very much looking forward to embarking on my adventures outside of Heather Place! Trenton had his first official day of preschool last week. He went for two and a half hours all by himself (plus brother of course) just like a big boy! He loved it, he made a gingerbread man that smelled like cinammon, played with playdough, and colored some pictures. He loved it and cant wait for this thursday. He will be going once a week for now till we see how it works out with our new scheduling commitments (work), and all.
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The third major thing was that Jake and Tuck made the big move, goodbye California, hello Colorado! It was a long journey but we were all happy to hear that had made it safely, and we hope they have fun there! Its sad to hear the kids wonder where Jake is, and why he hasnt come back yet... but its exciting to get to see Jake go off and follow what he wants to do. Oh to be young! lol.. but how fun for him. jake leaving 002

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to 2010!

So my blog has been neglected in the wake of the holiday season.. I'm trying to recover I swear! We had a wonderful Christmas, or I should say Christmases. To this day I have not found homes for the new toys that have taken over our humble abode. Its slighlty ridiculous.

We had a big party this weekend for my brother in law. At the ripe age of "just shy of 21" he's embarking on a new life in Colorado. He'll be great there and love it, I'm sure without doubt. He will be missed my a lot of loving family members and friends though.. it just wont be the same without him.

Other than that the only other event in our lives these past few weeks is that I went for my first job interview in a long long time this morning. It was nothing amazing.. just a regular little position at Barnes & Nobles... but I think it could be agreat opportunity to get out of the house a bit, maybe expand my "need to read" list.. and hopefully make some friends. I feel very good about the interview.. but I guess time will tell if I get a call back or not. We'll see ;) I'm actually kind of indifferent because the thought of leaving my boys at all makes me a little sad, so if I dont get the job it will still be alllll good! Thats about it for now. Beef stew and delicious french bread are cooking now.. and my belly was ready for dinner at lunch time... so I'm going to go watch it cook since we all know that makes it cook faster!