"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body" ~Elizabeth Stone

Friday, February 26, 2010

…So I’m having a furious Friday!

So all you get from me for right now is a few pictures I took around the house yesterday.

feb 2010 013  feb 2010 020

feb 2010 022And my wonderful project…. I like call it “What? I do a lot of laundry, alright?!”

                     feb 2010 014

Big Day Today…

Today, I give in to my husband’s pleas and let him join the rest of the world in Nintendo Wii fun! This is the very first video game system I’ve ever actually been pretty excited about… and I’m certainly not proud of it, but my kids are video game junkies.. so the thought of them being standing up, moving around, downstairs in the sunlight is much more appealing to me. They’re gonna be so stoked too, not only are they getting a new system to play with, but they are OBSESSED with the fact that mom wont play a video game, so now they’ll finally get mom to play.  I can totally see myself playing too, I wont lie.. I’ve wanted one of these forever now! So, I guess I can stop torturing him and go take my shower so we may go on his mini wish list spree. Ssshhhh!



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does life cereal make us live forever?

This was a particularly hard week. I shouldn't complain because all things considered I'm still standing and no more grey hairs were visible than before (I'm not going to look and see just in case. But nonetheless, it was a trying time. Both boys came down with fevers that optimistic me thought would just pass on their own, if not maybe with the help of the all wonderful children's tylenol. This was NOT the case. We went thru chills, belly aches, ridiculously high fevers, throwing up all over Grandma's house on her 70th birthday, and so much more.
Yesterday was the day we finally made it into the doctor...which of course was an all day excursion regardless of the fact its less than five minutes from our house. Both kids underwent a series of probings and tests :( The final verdict (which I am not completely sure I agree with) is that Dylan has an ear infection, a cold,a rash on his face from the abrasiveness of the snot on his skin, and an eye infection. Trenton has the flu, requiring a treatment of Tamiflu, which just sounds scary in my world, and an eye infection. Trent's temperature got so high in the doctors office they stripped him naked and covered his poor little sick limp body in ice packs. I was terrified. I thought I did fine until that point, and I held my composure the whole time...but on the inside I had a meltdown the minute I was sitting there holding my sick little beansprout facing away from me, and every nurse walking in would look at him and get this like expression of pity and worry. It sounds cliche but thats really something a mother never wants to see. I felt better about their states this morning, they were " almost a little good" in Dylans words, and "still not good" in Trenton's. But they are starting to act a little more like themselves. Hope we can kick it soon. My kids never ever really get sick and I miss my little buddies. Trent really scared me a couple times this week. I could live without that.
Especially in the midst of working twice as many hours as I have the whole time I've been there! And the icing on our cake this week... Justin's business computer got a virus and pretty much crashed...resulting in the forced? purchase of him a new laptop and a slough of other goodies. Ahh, deep breaths...and a little Bob Marley and I'll be a new soul!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Knock on Wood...

But life is going very smoothly and well for us lately. The new "career" is way better than I could have expected. I'm going on week three there, and I love the place. I mean for starters, I'm surrounded y good movies, music, and books all day, its totally laid- back, I have my own coffee shop, and apparently I have developed a great reputation because people keep seeking me out to meet me..lol. I have already met so many people I just love in such a short time! Secondly, Trent is doing phenomenal at school ( for a 2.5 yr old) and loves every second of it. The teacher completely made my week on Tuesday by pulling me aside to tell me that in all her years of teaching, shes never come across boys as polite as mine. They are very big on please and thank yous and people eat that up! LOL. The weather has finally begun to shape up and we've had several park- worthy sun filled day in a row now. Today was actually playing soccer/ riding bikes day.. what little boy doesn't love that?! Oh, and I almost forgot today was my first full day of volunteering to help out at the preschool. The teacher asked if I could make it a regular thing, which I am overjoyed to oblige. And, the icing on my cake.. its my annual quarter life crisis haircut time and I found a life long friend that is a Paul Mitchell beauty school queen, who has offered to do it for a faction of what I normally pay. Just knowing a good haircut is in my near future is enough to keep my spirits high! I don't want to jinx myself, and maybe its just this nice cheery weather.. but man I really love life sometimes! I'm so blessed to be supported, encouraged, and completely enveloped in love by such a wonderful husband, and two amazing boys. One should be so lucky to make their acquaintance, and I get to be the queen of their worlds!