"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body" ~Elizabeth Stone

Monday, December 14, 2009

We went to see Santa!

We got brave and dressed the little ones up and took them on the 30 or so minute journey to the mall (aka the north pole) to see Santa claus. I was actually very suprised at how good they were. I dont recall any running, crying, fit throwing, or other random embrassment. There was no wait at all to see Santa, and the boys were a little in awe of how he was just right there, so they stayed back and kind of hid behind a sign for a few minutes and just watched him. When we finally got up there, Trenton's first mission was to make sure Santa acknowledged his nice sweater. =) Then they both hopped up, Dylan rattled off his list of things he wanted, the one I remember is a dinosaur with a remote control that really walks. Trenton was awe struck after the sweater thing and couldnt make any words come out. His lips were moving, but no sound. Santa laughed at him and asked him if he liked to talk to himself. Finally Trenton spotted some big fake wrapped presents under Santas tree, and decided that he wanted one of those. Santa told him they were fake so Trent said he just wants a big pretty box for Christmas! We capped off out our afternoon out with lunch... again..I was amazed at the lack of melt downs, that almost never happens... and then a ride on the carousel for everyone. Yay..mom loves nothing more than spinning around over and over right after lunch! It was really a lot of fun though. I love spending days like that with the family!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Getting ready for the holidays this week at our house. We put up a few lights outside, icicle lights for the boys' bedroom, and of course our stockings and Christmas tree. That was an experience. This was the first year I've had TWO boys big enough to help hang ornaments. Lets just say it was rough...lol. The Trenton damage count at the end of the day was four ornaments, a salt to my snowman salt and pepper shakers, a picture frame, and a little old car with santa driving it that had belonged to my grandpa. It was more damage than I had expected, but I cant be mad, he's only two.. and most of it just needs some super glue. It turned out very pretty though. I love our new house. Christmas decorating sucked at the old house. No matter what I did it was cold, big and stark white. This house is warm and cozy and perfect. Theres a big cold wave going thtough right now, apparently it snowed here but we all slept through it. The evidence is all over Mt. Diablo. I've never seen it that covered in snow before. Very exciting! Except its bitterly cold outside all day long so that kind of sucks. Grandma Lois went into the emergency room today with fluid around her heart, so we're keeping her in our thoughts. We love you Grandma!